What a trip!! Restored my faith in sci-fi?? So sweet and adventurous and funny it's actually surreal. No you can't eradicate pain, you learn how to live with it. Yes all them Freudian shit about mothers are true but it doesn't have to be some caricature demonic figure because by the end of the day they're real people too. Gertie the modern empathic H.A.L. the circuited womb. Matrix + Inception + 贝克街的亡灵Therapeutic af
没想到邪典cult片能这么好看它不光是歌好听、脑洞大那么简单这部名作是非主流文化对主流文化的挑战日在地球是对变性人、异装癖的亚文化展现里面尤其通过这对情侣的人物塑造来对主流歌舞片疯狂讽刺戏谑还有对当初还是B级片的科幻片深深的爱啊(比如明晃晃致敬弗兰肯斯坦)要知道星战给科幻片拔创是它两年之后的事了啊I want to go- To the late-night -Double feature -Picture Show……